
NOON ERP REQUEST DEMO Best Solution For Educational Entities Management


NOON is an advanced software solution for complete management of universities and institutes (ERP) enabling control of all elements and connecting together for a better workflow of the educational organization

Social media netword for the company or organization. In addition to the ability to connect with modern social media applications nowadays


Learning Management System (LMS)

Management of all concerns of developing the educational process

Educational Platform

During the continuous technological evolution, Infocus MIS with its experienced team workers and technological experts could have the potentiality and leadership in localization and developing methodologies for managing educational workflow, which mad its clients in many educational organizations keep up with the latest technologies worldwide

Thus, INFOCUS had the leadership in providing comprehensive technological solution for automation of educational process making educational organizations able to do their role in the modern education using latest technologies in the world of e-learning and remote learning through providing many tools of this type of learning such as electronic educational plans along with live interactive education between students and teachers in different levels and fields of education that are totally managed by the educational platform

Virtual Classes

NOON system enables the service of virtual classes which participate greatly in enhancing the educational process electronically

Virtual Classes has tons of interactive and technical features that turn e-learning into life

Teaching staff member can have total control over his/her virtual classes and their schedules as he/she can arrange classes of a specific course completely in terms of days, weeks & months

In addition, he/she can display a presentaion for a better smooth education, and can make interaction with this file via wide range of tools such as selection tools, writing tools, highlighting tools and other. Also he/she can switch between presentation display and the PC/Laptop camera

NOON’s Virtual Classes features great interactive tools between students and teaching staff such as adding interactive questions in the middle of a lecture in many different forms such as MCQ, T/F questions, in Addition, the teaching staff can switch the presentation role to a student and have total control over the process

Additionally, other programs, applications, presentation tools, social media, browsing, and other visual & audible presentation programs such as videos, audios, e-books, researches and textbooks

All of these features via a comprehensive evolutionary system designed and constructed by experts with highest level of technical skills and technological knowledge of newest developing tools of interactive and communication electronically worldwide in templates made especially for educational purposes in educational organizations

Questions Banks and e-Exams

NOON system gives an access to great questions banks and previous years exams that take part in developing the e-learning procedures

Question banks enhances studying and works on developing it especially when it’s organized in the best possible way for making largest benefits out of it

Student Services Electronic Gate

An exceptional learning experience is what NOON provides for the student. Through this gate the student can have many services that can keep him up with all studying needs efficiently

Via various services on the gate, some are academic, financial, administrative and some other are for activities

Registring in courses – Schedule and timetable – Attendance – Paying expenses – Following-up with the finanical account – Requesting many certificates & documents electronically without the need to go to the educational organization to submit the request are some of the possible services you can find within the gate

Also, you can check e-exams results, fill exams’ surveys and other types of surveys. And many other more services

Mobile Application

NOON’s mobile application facilitates many processes that the student needs in a daily manner or in general during his academic period

The application enables registering the attendance of lectures in the university or the institute, in addition to paying expenses electronically with many payment methods

The student can have full access over his financial account, also his academic account to see his academic results and e-exams results over the years. In addition he/she can see his/her academic plan within a specified course

Also having access to educational posts from the organization granting total communication between the organization and the student


Campus Management System

Management of all campus concerned challenges


Applying & Registration system from NOON provides all essential & important services in organizing the process of newcomers application, finishing their needed procedures and making them ready for being enrolled in the university, institute or any educational organization


Students Application: The system contains an enormous database of secondary schools in Egypt, their contact info, types of certificates they grant, in addition to a database of all types of certificates including all subjects within the certificate & grades with their classification


It's is featuring entry of regulations & subjects and connecting them to different determinants of acceptance, in addition to specifying capacity of each faculty or institute. In addition, you can make interviews and enter their results in the system in addition to many other important inputs in the procedure of accepting new students


Students Acceptance: The system is capable of applying automatic acceptance in addition to acceptance via sorting and comparison. It's also able to make manual acceptance without paying attention to determinants of acceptance


Every student in the system has his/her own profile of information among the educational organization via his/her national ID, making it very easy to sort and accept students


Students Registration: The system enables you to enter important information in the process of accepting new students and completing the student's profile later. In addition, The system can come up with temporary numbers for requests and primary acceptance before giving the student number after complete registration, and many other registration procedures are included in the system

Students Affairs system from NOON is providing all essential and important features from enrolling in the educational organization to all essential administrative & academic procedures during the studying period or even after graduation


Also, the system covers the process of students conversion from one educational organization to another taking into consideration exemptions/corresponding subjects, and enables registration of students and following-up with them during all stages of studying including results reporting & approval according to applied regulations


This system features the ability to make important processes such as registering students and distributing them on primary and secondary specialties, and greatly helps in generating seating numbers and distributing students on exams committees and other different important students affairs procedures


Within this system, you'll find a section specialized in Basic Information of students which features having all codes needed from universities, institutes, countries, documents and others.. In addition to designing its screens in a very easy and user-friendly way enabling the process of recalling data, also featuring different categories of data entries which suits all kinds of educational organizations


Also, you'll find a section specialized in different Students Affairs and all procedures you need to do with such data entered. This section is easy to use, designed with maximum level of organization enabling you to categorize proccesses based on your priorities


It enables mobility between these processes which make the students affairs employee capable of using the software easily and quickly which consequently enhances the overall experience of the user


Next section is the one specialised with Reports, which was constructed and designed to produce tens of important reports, each serving an important role in the process of organizing data and making important decisions within the educational organization


Produced reports facilitates the process of making decisions since they produce a wider-view and more clear look on the information by decision-makers

Students Accounts system by NOON helps professionally and accurately monitoring all procedures of managing educational expenses in all different forms that eventually pour into revenue of educational organizations. The system enables creating all needed expenses & fees that the organization wants to apply on various academic levels each year, and observing applied expenses on each student, their payment schedule, remaining fees and continuously following-up with these schedules, which is a very vital role in extracting cash flow of the organization and following up with late fees which consequently helps in planning for the future


The system also features applying fees of withdrawal from the universities in addition to fines of late payments


In Students Account system, you'll find a section specialized in Basic Information concerning students accounts, designed perfectly to fit with easy and friendly use making the overall user experience faster and smoother


You can connect between students accounts and general accounts of the educational organization making the financial sector easier and more convenient


The system also includes a sector specialized in Processes that are applied to different students accounts data with different organized categories for an easier access to numbers and easier user-friendly experience of the system


There are many features in this section, you can register scholarships, register special fees, following-up with receipts, following-up with collections and accounts settlements and many other important features


The system is very flexible in creating different financial policies according to every organization's regulation with no need for tech-knowledge to change & adjust these policies


Next section is Reports, where you are able to make tens of types of reports that make controlling financial procedures very efficient such as expenses reports on a specific year, forecasting reports of all deserved expenses, other reports for students accounts balance and others

Academic Guidance system from NOON is an electronic channel for communication between a student and the academic guide to provide academic advice & support in picking his/her subjects to achieve his/her graduation plan via an easy, quick, accurate electronic process according to many flexible user determinants that are controlled by system admin


Upon changing or adjusting policies and regulations, there is no need for software developing interference which consequently grant sufficiency & flexibility for system administrators in the educational organization that usually lead to extreme easiness in the user experience


Schedule system from NOON provides the ability to create and follow-up with all different specialized procedures of educational schedules. It enables you to distribute students automatically on educational time table depending on the educational plan determinants and academic level taking into consideration interference in time


Also enabling the entry of days and times of lectures & sections in addition to available time of teaching staff and their capacity


In addition to great flexibility in dealing with all kinds of tables as the system admin can create all determinants and processes of creating schedules and time tables with great flexibility both in educational semester system or credit hours system.

Control & Exams system from NOON is one of the comprehensive systems that are very important for any educational organization as it does the process of complete monitoring of exams procedure starting from creating seats numbers automatically in an electronic protected manner to organizing the examing committees and distribution lists


In addition to the process of exams marking and extracting them according to many determinants, then calculating the results via approved results sheets ending with uploading these results on the cyber protected electronic gate of the students


Also, the system is very flexible for the system admin in creating and adjusting regulations according to changes taking place immediately which makes him capable of working on controlling and monitoring the procceses of the system with no software development interference

Graduates Affairs system from NOON takes care of auditing and documenting the process of student graduation according to the educational plan


This system facilitates a lot of student graduation proccesses such as listing expected students for graduation, continuing their registration, following-up with listing sheets in addition to applying graduation extracts


This system has many other features concerning graduates statistics, documents, data reporting via a comprehensive database of all graduates of the educational organization.