HRTS is an advanced soliton for complete management of human resources (ERP) and controlling basic human resources features including salaries, attendance and employees affairs, in addition to advanced human resources features including hiring, training, performance assessment, employee services gate and mobile application
It’s one of INFOCUS-MIS’ ERP systems & the fruits of efforts since 1997 & beyond of continuous experience in different management information systems
This system is featuring a great capability of controlling and monitoring all human resources different processes very efficiently as this system is working on most powerful databases from ORACLE. The system enables the user to manage general definitions for your organization before getting into details of each program, as you can register all company details, and then define financial periods, departments, job titles and even create a specific file for each employee
Control and reporting features in this system is very diverse and flexible to serve all goals of each supervising and managerial level in the organization regarding different information and reports they’re in need of
HRTS is one critical and vital base of different INFOCUS systems regarding human resources management
Basic Features of HRTS
Management of all basic concerns in any organization
HRTS is enabling complete management of employees' attendance in the organization with complete ease as you can connect the system with different attendance machines
The system is allowing the creation of various important definitions in the system such as defining lateness system, deductions and their calculations, deductions on late periods, extra-time and its calculations, all of these featurs lead to saving lots and lots of time and effort spent in manual calculations
In addition, you can define number of permissions such as morning permission, early leave permission so that the system can automatically approve the permission and give it to the employee. In addition, you're able to define policies and regulations of your entity such as available number of permissions per month, available lateness minutes and many others
HRTS system is extremely flexible as you can sign attendance through the program for all employees without interrupting attendance machines, also you can change different determinants mentioned before easily if company's policies changed anytime
Also, via this system you can determine and define locations of different attendance machines in the company or organization, and connect specific group of employees to that specific machine for more easy process of attendance signature without data interference
The system is providing even more features in order to save great amount of time and effort spent in manual routine work concerning attendance different organizations
HRTS is enabling complete control over different employees affairs definitions such as defining annual and weekly vacations, sickness vacations and others. Also, you can define missions regulations and policies and register all their information, in addition to different penalties regulations on employees
In addition to defining upgrades and rewards regulations and connecting them to different employees to measure rewards they deserve
This system is featuring the ability to create contracts list containing the contract of each employee separately, in addition to entering military status of employees and their other documents. All movements of this program is moved into the salaries program in order to start calculating their salaries and sign them
This system via all these different features is enabling the user to organize all different pieces of information regarding employees and easing all processes of employees affairs
HRTS is allowing full control over salaries definitions such as exemptions and taxes in a flexible manner to keep up with changes, in addition to employees' insurance and defining all terms concerning employees salaries, their nature from fixed and changing salaries and their calculations accurately and easily
In addition, this system is featuring great flexibility in monitoring other factors affecting salaries, such as different types of loans and connecting them to employees, calculating salaries terms in fixed amounts of percentages, and making equations to automatically calculate employees salaries
Also, you'll be able to deal with all different of rewards and achievements and monitor types of internal and external loans
Advanced Features of HRTS
Management of advanced concerns regarding competitive entities
HRTS is allowing follow-up with different departments' needs of new employees, in addition to keeping up with modern hiring processes
This system enables saving and achieving CVs for all applicants in order to recalling them when needed
Through this system, you'll be able to define determinants and preferences to categorize applicants automatically before setting interviews, also you can pick accepted ones completely in autopilot mode without human interference saving lots and lots of time and efforts spent in hiring processes
HRTS features following-up with training rounds of employees and third-party training sides. The system is enabling dividing costs of trainings between employees and the company or loading it totally on one of them. Also measuring how trainings are affecting performance of the employees
The system is allowing listing a complete list of missing skills of the employees and their current skills, in addition to listing performance follow-up lists and mistakes lists
Also, you can monitor external trainings (totally loaded on the employee), or internal trainings and creating complete list of trainings and applicants of employees for these trainings
The system is enabling creation of different effective performance assessment methods for employees in the company as the user can assign different assessment measurement sides in the organization from direct managers, expert managers or human resources department, and then defining standards according to the level of the employee and his current department. Via this system you're able to follow-up with internal warrants between employees
You can monitor employees efficiency grades, defining automatically employees to be filtered according to specific grades, in addition to monitoring internal investigations between employees
Through HRTS system, all employees and enjoy all different services provided in the employee gate and mobile application which grants the ability to make different processes such as monitoring their accounts, available credits of vacations and others
In addition to monitoring their penalties, lateness in a specific period of time and other features. This is because of the great integration between these gates and its different programs in the system to make a dynamic connection facilitating all employees affairs
In addition to other different features such as
A flexible system for creation of unlimited number of shifts to serve different activities and industries whether it’s industrial/educational/ medical/ hospitality and others
Registering attendance, going out for missions automatically without the need of attendance machine using GPS technology and mobile camera and fingerprint to check once needed
Applying all official requests from applying for a vacation, lateness permission, missions, additional work request, training request, and many other electronic features for the employee
Statistical system for employee’s activities and performance assessment
Viewing system for factors affecting salaries of the employee without the need to question the human resources department in addition to the ability to comment and get responses regarding these comments and questions

The system is providing flexible settings enabling the user to create various unlimited regulations and rules such as attendance regulations, extra-time regulations, penalties regulations and others
Flexibility in creating the cycle of salary calculation according to different regulations as per the company and the country. No need for developmental interference as the user can change these regulations once needed easily
Flexible and smart system to enable users design and extract different types of reports without any need of technical knowledge using the easy-to-use smart dashboard of the user
Extreme dynamic capability in creating the structure of the company or companies administrated by the user
Dynamic flexible designing ability in creating cycle of official requests
Social media network for the company or organization. In addition to the ability to connect with modern social media applications nowadays