Green Board for Schools
Green Board is an advanced solution for complete management of school systems (ERP) with the aim of developing the administrative & learning process inside all schools that are looking for development & keeping up with technology
It’s one of INFOCUS-MIS’ ERP systems & the fruits of efforts since 1997 & beyond of continuous experience in different management information systems
This system is distinguished by its ability of combining the 2 components of the usual school processes, which are, the administrative process management which is concerned with school affairs, structure, students’ affairs, teachers & other administrative processes, and the other part is the learning process & its development to keep up with elements of modern technology that assure maximum benefits for students. These benefits ensure enhancing the overall management process of schools which consequently increasing loyalty for the school by students & teachers, which in turn increase productivity In limited time, increasing the overall financial income of the school over time

With Green Board’s different features, your school will be in a completely different level of management over planning, execution & supervision levels via various management programs to control school assets & manage students & workers’ different affairs in addition to other programs to enhance your school learning processes in best suitable manners.
School Assets Management
Green Board enables you to do the process of school structuring to specify different school assets, consequently enabling you to have a wider look over school fixed assets that turn it easier to make choices concerning the number of students applying to school & designing their school programs
You can specifying number of buildings, floors, classes & their types, capacity of each class & room, number of labs, their types and capacities…etc & other school assets
Doing the process of school structuring is very vital in understanding the overall capacity of the school. Through such information, you can utilize every school asset in best possible way

Green Board also enables coding all school assets different types such as furniture – cars – buses – trucks – offices – equipment -…etc as coding and labelling in a modern automatic way leading to flexibility and easiness in advanced techniques using Barcode, QR Code & RFID code to read the asset remotely depending on the nature of the asset to finish the process easily and shortly. & Finally most advanced technologies in assets inventory using smart robotics with no human interference
Students Affairs
Green Board system is providing management of all essential services such as applying to school passing by all administrative & academic processes during the student’s period in school until graduation
This system has the ability to complete many important processes for the student starting from accepting his school application, to creating a specific file for his information
Student’s file is not only concerned with his personal information, but also his social information, medical records, & all other private information concerning accommodation, immigration…etc

Students Accounts
Green Board’s students accounts system enables you to efficiently supervise on & control the process of managing different types of tuition expenses that go to the school revenue, as you can create all expenses & fees that school apply on different levels on each semester, and controlling the fees applied to each individual student, their payment schedule & remaining owed fees, in addition to supervising constant movements of different expenses applied on students & their schedules, which is an essential part to extract cash flows & following up late payments, consequently helping in overall financial future planning

Also, the system enables the application of different discounting processes on specific elements inside school expenses, in addition to applying installment policies in appropriate way for both students & the school
This system issuing many types of reports that are distinguished by clarity, accuracy & highlighting key points for better decision making
Academic Programs

You can easily plan, organize & create academic programs inside the school with Green Board. Customizing settings of every academic type, its financial settings, & other school settings. In addition to customizing every academic level of each type
You can also customize specific policies for every school type & level individually enabling very wide control over the settings of each level in a complete & organized manner
Subjects & Classes

Green Board system helps you organize the relationship between subjects, teachers & classes in an organized shape
The system provides all needed information for each class individually aligned with academic plans set by the school in order to make it appear easily and clearly students having a certain class at the very moment, in addition to subjects being studied, & teacher giving the class at that moment
Academic Plans

Green Board’s academic plans’ program can create annual & semi-annual school plans very efficiently for the school through specifying subjects of each school level, then specifying available teachers for each subject and vice versa, then specifying the number of available classes for each level. Consequently, creating the perfect academic plan for that school level
This system is very flexible for changes that might occur via government decisions changing a school subject or re-arranging its curriculum or re-weighing it. This flexibility enables your school keeping up with all susceptible changes with no worries
Virtual Classes

Virtual Classes from Green Board contribute in the improvement of tech-based educational process
Teachers have full control over their virtual classes, their schedules, orders, arrangements in terms of the month, week & day
They’re able to give the class via Presentation that can be interactive through various educational tools such as highlighting tools & writing tools. In addition, they can switch between presentations & shared screens of their computers or any other screen such as personal cameras, as well as all other systems, programs, applications, presentation tools, browsers, audios, videos, e-Books…etc
All of these features are by a comprehensive, developed system that’s designed by experts with highest degrees of technological knowledge and skills in creating & developing interactive systems made for educational purposes worldwide in different schools to be used whenever needed by the educational organization
Questions Banks and e-Exams

Green Board’s question banks & premade e-exams contribute greatly in enhancing the educational process digitally
Question Banks improves e-learning & enhance it especially if it’s designed in best suitable form for students
Green Board simplify the process of making exam tables that fit the nature of the school type & level, in addition to making exams more dynamic
This system weighs every subject, then listing all dates of exams & their number, then the process of making the exam table in best possible way for the school, students, & teachers
In addition to simplifying the process marking exams through enabling teachers to mark then digitally which consequently saves lots of time & efforts

Educational Quality, Evaluation and parents participation

Green Board cares much about parents & consider them the real school customer. Thus, many features in Greenboard is directed towards parents to complete the educational process
This is done through creating evaluation program for the school & students performance on the educational level, social level, & many other levels
In addition, the system provides notification features for parents via E-mail, SMS, Social Media Platforms informing school activities & events, news, as well as students’ exams marks
Mobile Application
Green Board mobile application enables the student to register his schooldays attendance, which make the process of attendance registration and follow-up much easier throughout regular days
Students can extract different certificates and formal letters they need from the school through the mobile application
Also, students are able to make all their payments through the application via different payment methods and gateways in a very smooth way
The application enables the student to have full access over his personal information to access his financial account including all transactions throughout the educational year
In addition, he can access his exams & e-exams grades & marks throughout the educational year
The student is able to access his school schedule & academic plan via the app
You can follow-up with attendance of all students through the application
Also it enables the user to access educational quality surveys on both students and teachers

Transportation and Buses

Green Board enables the school to fully optimize & organize the process of transportation of students via buses through organizing routes from student’s home to the school and vice versa, with exceptional flexibility in start points and end points locations, in addition to sending notifications to parents with continuous communication. Also following-up accurately the revenue & expenses of buses
Continuous communication between students & parents is being accomplished through E-mails, SMSs, WhatsApp, & Green Board mobile application