
Our Methodology

In general, a customer cannot express his idea exactly from the beggining, as he/she usually has an idea, and an imagination of the software, but, the application & features are cloudy until he/she sees the product to make the evaluation

Running Software is more important than full documentation

We focus on developing a software that works with specific features, and no matter if details are documented at this ste, this doesn’t mean avoiding documentation in general, but only documenting important points such as software operating process. Usually this documentation occurs after making sure the product works with those specific features. We shall not exhaust the team with writing detailed documentation of the product before it works properly 100%, as documentations don’t matter if the product doesnt work

Interactions between people is are more important than tools

Focusing on the team and their chemistry instead of focusing on tools and processes is very important, as tools won’t make anything without people capable of utilizing them properly to achieve the goal

Co-operating with customers in building the product is more important than contracts negotiation

Contracts in general aren’t flexible, especially in start-ups. When the customer explains his product and how he sees it, the product is still not clear enough, meaning that the customer doesn’t give essential information to build-up the product correctly. So, when signing cotracts all tasks shall be assigned, time & costs shall be set. So, we become able to specify what to do and what to develop, then editing on the product becomes extremely difficult as those edits need time, effort & cost. Usually, problems occur with customers. Thus, we need to share all steps with customers to understand what they need, consequently reducing number of edits and having more flexible product

Responding to changes is more important that following the exact plan

Giving attention to clients’ edits when showcasing the software is very important, their notes are more important than what’s planned, since they cannot fully express what they need as mentioned before. This doesn’t mean there’s no plan, but plans usually are general on a high level, not on specific details

This doesn't mean that points less mentioned are not important, but specifying priorities to achieve best results

One of the most important points of customer satisfaction is providing an effective product available for use in specific deadlines

Delivering the product in shortest time through working on a daily mannar

direct talks between team members and giving them the needed positive energy for productivity

Working solutions is the measurement for progress

Continuous care of quality and technological development for the system and individuals

Self-organized teams provide best results